WP Woman | Questions and Answers | a chick who knows a bit about WordPress


For some reason, I can no longer scroll through all my images in the Media Library. How can I get that feature back in the WordPress Media Library?


You do not need a plugin to do this.

Add the following code to functions.php in your child theme.

You are using a child theme, right?

					// Enable Infinite Scrolling for Media Library

add_filter( 'media_library_infinite_scrolling', '__return_true' );

The change wasn't simply done to annoy us, even though it can be a bit annoying to have to click a button to see more images in our WordPress Media Library. After WordPress 5.8, Automattic decided to remove infinite scrolling of the Media Library by default for three reasons:
  1. accessibility issues for people who use their keyboard to navigate a page and not their mouse
  2. infinite scrolling often interferes with the browser's history
  3. huge performance memory footprint
To learn more, view ticket 40330 on WordPress.org.

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